Right of Way Surveys
A right of way survey indicates the presence of any rights being held on a property other than those of the property owner. Companies who possess right of way privileges are permitted by law to access land with industrial or commercial elements contained within based on agreements made in the past. These privileges stay with the property and are not transferred once ownership of the property is transferred. Also commonly referred to as easements, right of way agreements are common in rural Alberta and normally indicate only the section of property containing a pipeline, electrical line, sewer line, power lines, access roads or corridors or any other physical structure requiring attention from someone other than the landowner.
Right of way surveys are used by:
- homeowners granting permission for use of a portion of their land or a blanket easement that covers an entire parcel of land
- homeowners seeking approval for construction of new structures or elements, such as fences, utilities, sheds, garages, ditches or grading adjustments
- companies requiring access to a portion of land under ownership
- land developers seeking clarification of existing right of way agreements prior to construction